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Goodreads is the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Their mission is to help people find and share books they love. more

NPR Booknprbookss

Have you heard a book discussed on National Public Radio and can’t remember the title and/or author? The web site for National Public Radio (NPR) is the place designed just for you! It lists authors and books that have been highlighted on NPR and is updated daily. more


Whichbook is a great reader’s advisory site from the UK with lots of selectable parameters to help you find your next book. Fancy something unusual and unpredictable? Funny or sexy? No problem. Use the unique mood and emotion search to find great books with exactly the flavour you’ve asked for. You can also find books using the world map, or character & plot, or find books with a similar mood to current bestsellers. Flip the slider setting from optimistic to unusual and the books offered are quite different. Click on a book cover that intrigues you to find out more. more