Picture Books

- Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs - Willems, Mo

- America the Beautiful: Together We Stand - Bates, Katharine Lee
Juvenile Fiction

- I Funny: A Middle School Story - Patterson, James
- Justin Case: Shells, Smells, and the horrible flip-flops of doom - Vail, Rachel
- Third Wheel - Kinney, Jeff
Graphic Novels

- Dragonbreath #8: Nightmare of the Iguana - Vernon, Ursula

- DK Eyewitness Books: American Revolution - Murray, Stuart A. P.
Young Adult

- Reached - Condie, Ally
- Delirium - Oliver, Lauren
Bill Robinson and his World of Animals
Tuesday, Jan. 29 3:45 – 4:45
This after school wildlife program welcomes live birds of prey and reptiles. The Robinsons describe their program: "Birds of prey have their own unique adaptations for survival. Discussed will be the importance if these birds in the balance of nature, and how man has helped to restore endangered species such as the peregrine falcon." We walk through the audience with the birds so that everyone can get a close look and feel the wind from their wings. As for Reptiles, some adults are a little queasy about reptiles, but the students love them. Exposing young people to reptiles with an explanation of their importance in nature is a great way to avoid fears and misconceptions later in life. Reptiles have amazing and varied adaptations which makes for a lively and educational program." A simple snack will be provided before the program begins for those students arriving from school. Marbletown elementary students can take the squirrel bus to the library. Please Register.
After School Story Hours
Our After School Story Hours will take a look at Science. Simple experiments, concepts, and stories. A simple snack will be provided. Marbletown elementary students can take the squirrel bus to the library. Registration is easy when you use the online Calendar.
Story Hours will meet:
Kindergarten and First Grades
Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30
February 5, 12, 19, 26 , & March 5, 12, 19, 26, & April 2 & 9
Second and Third Grades
Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30
February 7, 14, 21, 28 & March 7, 14, 21,
& April 4, 11 & 18
Toddler Time
Thursday Mornings from 10:00 – 11:30
February 7, 14, 21, 28, March 7 & 14
This Story-time and Play-time combination is designed for toddlers, babies and their caregivers to spend time in the library socializing, listening to stories, singing songs, and having fun with a sensory activity. Extra toys are brought into the children's room for playtime, a simple fun story is shared, and friends are encouraged. Please Register.
"Boogie Woogie Books!"
a Preschool Story Time
Wednesdays: 10:00-11:00 on February 6, 13, 20, 27 & March 6, 13
Amy Dunphy is back this winter to boogie with your preschooler as they read, sing, and create. It's a fun and fanciful introduction to the library, and a great opportunity to meet other children. "Boogie Woogie Books" is open to children ages 3-5. Please Register.
Tween Book vs. Movie Club
This club for ages 9 and up.
We will meet 3:00-5:00 on the following Mondays:
February 4th – The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) by Rick Riordan
March 11th – Eragon (Inheritance) by Christopher Paolini
April 8th – Hoot by Carl Hiaasen
May 6th – Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
It is the battle of the Book vs. the Movie! Which is better? Why? What is different? What is the same? Read the book on your own, join the group, we'll watch the movie together, and voice our thoughts and opinions. Please Register.
All Monday programs are intended for tweens in grades 4 and up
Rondout students can take bus #29 to the library. A simple snack will be provided.
Chess Challenge
Mondays: February 11th, March 18th,
April 15th & May 13th, 3:00-4:00pm
We'll have boards and pieces set up once a month on a Monday for chess enthusiasts to engage in a challenging game. Bring your concentration, patience, good sportsmanship, and get ready to do battle. Please Register.
Sewing Club
Mondays: January 28, March 4, April 1 & 29, 3:00-4:00
In this club participants will get together to learn stitches, use simple patterns, practice using a needle and thread, and try simple sewing projects. Patience is required! All levels of sewing abilities welcomed. Please Register.
Reader's Theater
Mondays: January 14,
February 25, March 25, April 22, 3:00 - 4:30pm
Reader's Theater is an activity in which students, while reading directly from scripts, are able to tell a story in a most entertaining form, without props, costumes, or sets. This is a reading activity, and students are not asked to memorize their lines. They are, however, encouraged to "ham it up" and use intonation and gestures appropriate to their characters and their characters words. We expect to work on some speech skills, some acting skills, reading skills, and each time putting on a mini performance for our grown-ups. Please Register.
Film Fridays
3:30 – 5:00pm
Once a month "Film Friday" will be offered from 3:30 – 5"00pm. We'll be showing free movies that have been based on books in the library complete with popcorn and juice. Please Register.
February 22nd –The Secret World of Arrietty rated G Adapted from The Borrowers by Mary Norton
March 22rd - Meet the Robinson's rated G Adapted from A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce
April 26th - The Lorax rated PG. Adapted from The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
May 24th – Pippi Longstocking rated G. Adapted from Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren
Registration is easy when you use the online Calendar. To get more information please call Julianna at 687-2044 or 687-7023. To e-mail me: e-mail Julianna
Grolier Online

There are five new resources that are found through the link to the Grolier databases. They are listed under "Homework Support" in the Ulster County HOMEACCESS databases.

Amazing Animals is for elementary school students and includes facts and photos for over 1,200 animals.

America the Beautiful is for elementary and middle school students and includes articles on US cities, states and Presidents.

Lands and Peoples is for middle and high school students and includes articles on countries, cultures and current events. It also includes an atlas and almanacs.

The New Book of Popular Science is for middle and high school students and includes articles in the areas of science, technology and medicine.

La Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre is a Spanish language encyclopedia written from a Latin American perspective.
Science Kids
Learn interesting trivia and information about a wide range of science topics with our fun science facts for kids. Includes fun facts, experiments and projects. more
Science Games
Lots of games from PBS featuring characters like Curious George and Arthur from their TV shows. more
National Geographic Kids
Tons of fun science info, photos, crafts, cartoons and more, including recipes. more
Contact Us
Desk Phone: 687-7023
e-mail: Webmaster
Children's Services Phone:
e-mail Children's Services: Julianna