Thursdays, 12-1 on Local Rail Trails
We’re back in action! Join Sarah and your friends and neighbors as we take weekly walks along local rail trails. Each week we will walk from 12-1 on our gorgeous O&W and Wallkill Valley Rail Trails.
No registration required. Just check the location on our website and meet us at the trailhead.
Our walking trails schedule is as follows:
Thursday, August 1, 9-10 Wallkill Valley Rail Trail parking lot at the Trestle Bridge on Binnewater
Thursday, August 8, 9-10 O&W Rail Trail parking lot on Leggett Road.
Thursday, August 15, 9-10 O&W Rail Trail parking lot Rest Plaus Road
Thursday, August 22, 9-10 Wallkill Valley Rail Trail parking lot at the Women’s Studio Workshop
Thursday, August 29, 9-10 O&W Rail Trail parking lot at the Cottekill Firehouse parking lot. ***Please carpool if you can as this lot has limited parking spaces or park across the road at the Silos parking area.***
For questions and more information, contact the event organizer at