Board of Trustees, Board Meetings

Board of Trustees

  • John Aubry – President
  • Victoria Schulte – Vice President
  • Judith Jones – Secretary
  • Susanne Warren- Treasurer
  • Rosemary Deen
  • Sarah Graves
  • Jonathan Lee
  • Ethan Plank
  • Lisa St. John

2022 Fast Facts, click here: SRL 2022 Fast Facts

Stone Ridge Library Board of Trustee Meetings

These are held on the third Thursday of the month in the Library and are open to the public.

January 18
February 15
March 21
April 18
May 16
June 20
July 18
August 15
September 19
October 17
November 21
December – no meeting

All Board Meeting Minutes are available upon request at the Library.

Stone Ridge Library Board Minutes – July 18, 2024

Present:  John Aubry, Jody Ford, Ethan Plank, Susanne Warren, Judith Jones, Sarah Graves, Vicky Schulte

Called to order: 4:05

1.No public comment

2. Motion to approve minutes from June 2024 made by Susanne, seconded by Ethan

3.Treasurer’s Report – Susanne

-Discussion of forming committee to work with Treasurer, and independent audit

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Vicky, seconded by Sarah

4.Wireless Access Point – Jody

-Library needs license and new computer equipment access points.  Mid Hudson can sell license and be contact point for new system. We need business class router so all places in the library can have access to computers.

Motion to exceed current technology budget by $5000 to purchase and install new WIFI equipment from Mid Hudson made by Susanne, seconded by Ethan, all aye.

5. Director’s Report – Jody

–Signed up for Mid-Hudson Fuel buying coop for propane and fuel

-Summer reading program has begun and will run through August

-Skylar, new staff member, is offering tech help on Thursdays

-Several new groups have begun – new baby group, Canasta group, and after hours book group

-Absentee ballots are available at the circulation desk for anyone who will not be here for the August 5th election.

-Foundation movie night is rescheduled to July 24th

-All Trustees must complete two hours of Trustee training this year

6.Foundation – Ethan

Motion to approve renewal of Foundation Board members: Peggy Marble, John Harrington, Deb Silverman made by Vicky, seconded by Susanne, all aye

-Raised $25,000 from Hudson Valley Gives

-Developed information on Planned Giving

7.Election update:

Budget and Trustee vote is August 5th. Notices have been posted. Lisa St. John and Susanne Warren are up for reelection. Absentee ballots are available at the front desk

8. Search Committee – John

-Need to get a system in place to generate names of people interested in serving on the Library Board and the Foundation Board.

-Ulster County Civil Service does not have a list for Library Director, or Children’s Librarian

9. Building and Grounds – Ethan

-Light bulbs have been updated

-Quotes needed for roofs – leak in upstairs’ office

-No news on the EV charger

Meeting adjourned: 5:07

Next Library Meeting- August 15 at 4:00 –  Library

Vote on Budget and Trustees  – August 5 – 2:00 – 8:00 Library

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones


Stone Ridge Library Board Meeting June Agenda

  2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – for May 2024 Meeting
  3. TREASURER’S REPORT – Susanne 
  1. Approval of 2025 proposed budget 
  1. DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Jody        


NEXT MEETING – Thursday, July 18, 2024

Stone Ridge Library Board Meeting Minutes: May 16




2.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES – for April  2024 Meeting


       Report for April  2024


        A. Roof Repair

        B. Barbara Seaman Memorial



    A.  Search Committee – John

    B.  Long Term Planning – John

    C. Building & Grounds- Ethan

    D. Communications – Sarah

NEXT MEETING – Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stone Ridge Library Board Meeting Minutes: April 18

Present:  John Aubry, Susanne Warren, Lisa St. John, Ethan Plank, Judith Jones, Sarah Graves, Jody Ford, Rosemary Deen, Vicky Schulte

Meeting called to order:  4:10

  1. No public comment
  2. Accept minutes of March
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Susanne

-Discussion of Controller’s Report

-Discussion of Income and Expenses

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report made by Vicky, 2nd by Ethan, all aye

  1. Director’s Report – Jody

-Little Book Store will open late May. Donation days April 27th & May 4th . Repairs needed

Motion to allocate $3500 to paint and repair the Little Book Store and holding barn made by Ethan, 2nd by Lisa, all aye

-New phone system installed

-Charging station contract is in place

-Basement clean-up needed.  Discussion of hiring local vendors to remove junk

-Hudson Valley Gives will be held on May 10th

-Discussion of Community Garden at the Community Center in collaboration with Food Pantry

-Two new programs available:

German Conversation

 Technology on Thursdays with Skylar

  1. Search Committee

-Children’s Library will be posted June 1st – June 30th. Start date: September 1st, 20 hours a week

-Librarian will be posted September 1 – September 30th. Start date: November 15th, 35 hours a week

  1. Building & Grounds – Ethan

-Gazebo planning on hold

-Discussion of projects:

Down Stairs Bathroom – repair and upgrade

 Walkway and Handrail

 Reconfigure parking lot

 Plant hedges for sounds and visual barriers

Refresh Children’s Playground

Paint Book Barn

Clean-up Basement

Meeting adjourned: 5:00


Next Board Meeting – May 16th 4:00  Library

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones



  2. Approval of Minutes for March 2024 Meeting

        Report for April 2024

        Preliminary Meeting for 2025 Budget?

  1. Director’s Report – Jody
  2. Pavilion Considerations.
  3. Trustee Education Policy Approval
  5. Search Committee Report – John
  6. Long Term Planning Report – John
  7. Building & Grounds – Ethan

NEXT MEETING – Thursday, May 16 at 4 pm

Stone Ridge Library Board Meeting Minutes: March 2024

Present: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Lisa St. John, Sara Graves, Vicky Schulte,  Susanne Warren

1.No public comment

2.Minutes from February 2024 approved by Lisa, seconded by Ethan, all aye

3.Treasurer’s Report – Susanne

-Tax money deposited.

-Discussion of setting up a municipal account

4.Director’s Report – Jody

-Examining new phone system with Superior Telephone Systems

-Joint meeting about the Gazebo with the Foundation Board scheduled for Thursday,  March 28th from 12-2

-Discussion of continued participation with Mid-Hudson Library MOU

Motion to authorize Jody and John to sign agreement with Mid Hudson MOU, made by Vicky, seconded by Judith, all aye

-Discussion of Annual Report presented by Jody.

Motion to accept annual report as presented by Jody was made by Lisa, seconded by Sarah, all aye.

-Charging Station Discussion.

Parking lot stations are no longer operating.  Tom Konrad, Town Environmental Commission,  garnered State green funds available for green projects in Marbletown through NYSERTA to replace our chargers. New equipment will pass expenses to users.

Discussion of green projects from 2021 will be presented and discussed with Tom Konrad by John Aubry

Motion to approve Host Site Agreement for charging station with Town of Marbletown was made by Ethan, seconded by Lisa, all aye

5.Search Committee for Director

-Committee members must read Handbook on Director’s Search.

 Civil Service must be contacted. Committee meeting will be determined

-Discussion of lights and fixtures, and replacement of bulbs to LED systems

Motion to have NOVA Systems replace electrical fixtures with LED bulbs made by Ethan, seconded by Sara, all aye

-Long Term Planning meeting set for April 18th from 3:00-4:00 at the Library

  1. House and Grounds – Ethan

-Discussion of Gazebo. Stamped plans must be purchase

Motion to allocate funds for stamped plans for Gazebo, up to $3,000, was made by Lisa, seconded by Susanne.

-Parking Issues

-Dumpster will be moved back, by charging station to create a few more parking spots

-Need woodchips for playground

–Study tent will be set up

Meeting adjourned – 5:10


March 28   12:00 – 2:00 Gazebo Meeting , Library

Next Meeting April 18


Stone Ridge Library Board Meeting Minutes: February 2024

Present: Lisa St John, Ethan Plank, Sarah Graves, Jonathan Lee, Susanne Warren, Jody Ford

Absent: Judith Jones, Rosemary Deen, Vicky Schulte
Meeting available on Zoom and recorded.

Public Comment

Motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting brought by Sarah Graves, Seconded by Lisa St John, Approved Unanimously

Director’s Report

  • SRL Annual Report for Public and Assoc. Libraries is ready for Board review
  • Adult fiction and nonfiction is down, media is up from 2023
  • Children’s print is up
  • Door count is down
  • End of year annual appeal brought in $49,049
  • Wireless extenders, which are necessary to ensure internet access throughout the library, appear to be approaching the end of their life. Director asks for authorization to pay for the necessary replacements.
Motion to draw up to $4000 from the capital fund if needed for the expense of the repeaters at the judgement of the Director brought by Ethan Plank, Seconded by Jonathan Lee – Approved Unanimously

Treasurer’s Report

  • January is off to a good start, fund balance is sufficient to get us through to the end of March when the library will get taxpayer funds from the town
  • Under grants – LSTA money that should have been applied to 2022
  • Foundation suggests having the fundraiser for the pavilion in June

Trustee Education

  • It is required by law that each of the Trustees complete 2 credits of professional development per year

Committee Reports: Building and Grounds

  • Potholes in the parking lot have been filled
  • Discussed the possibility of hiring a full time custodian for coordination of maintenance for the building and grounds, should create a timeline for how determining how to budget for this and hire.
Next Meeting: 3/14, 4pm.

Present: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen (via Zoom), Jody Ford, Sarah Graves (via zoom), Jonathan
Lee, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren.

Meeting available on Zoom and recorded.

Absent: Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte

Meeting called to order: 4:05
1. No Public Comment

2. Treasurer’s Report –Susanne
-Small year-end surplus
-Going to look closer at fuel plan

3. Director’s Report – Jody
-Library Staff thankful for luncheon and raise
-135/238 Rochester memberships
-Jody is making a list of service tasks that need to be made throughout the year.
We might need a building manager.
-Will have pavilion plans by next meeting.
-Need time to go over the Annual Report (make February agenda item).
-Volunteers are helping record items in the Local History Room. i.e.: Julia
Lawrence Hasbrouck Diaries should be stored at the Ulster County Archives if
possible. 10/17 have been digitized (typed).
-Knitters made $3,000.00 this year!
-Foundation’s end of year appeal raised $48,000. They need to know what the
Board’s fundraisers this year will be. Possibilities include: April/May “tea” or
“garden party” with a fee in conjunction with the foundation, May Little
Bookstore Opening, June Kid’s Kickoff for Summer Reading (sell snacks), Fall
Book Sale

4. Long Range Planning
-John, Susanne, Jonathan will meet before February meeting.

5. Search Committee
-We will meet half an hour before the next board meeting.
-Southeastern Library Services list of employment opportunities
-Library Education Departments in colleges
-Library Directors 1 and 2 do NOT need to be on the Civil Service list.

Next Meeting: February 15 2024 3:30 (for Search Committee) 4:00.


Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Judith Jones, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Lisa St. John, Sarah Graves, Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order: 4:05

  1. No public comment
  2. Treasurer’s Report – John

-Review of budget

Discussion of Holiday bonuses for staff

Motion to authorize allocation of $2500 for Holiday bonuses for staff made by John, seconded by Jonathan, all aye

  1. President’s Report – Ethan

-Discussion of Slate of Officers for 2024

President – John Aubry

Vice President – Vicky Schulte

Treasurer- Susanne Warren

Secretary – Judith Jones

Motion to elect new slate of officers for the Stone Ridge Library Board for 2024 made by Judith, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

-All Board members will communicate committees and project interests to Ethan by the end of the year.

-Pavillion – Discussion of 40 foot octagonal pavilion, costs, and construction with electric and footings. Will get 3 estimates.

Motion to purchase plans from Back Yard Showcase for $2,000 made by John, seconded by Sarah, all aye.

-Plans will be present to the Foundation Board

  1. Director’s Report – Jody

-Current art show by Donna Calvecchio

-Roof shingles on the Little Book Store have been replaced

-Preparations of grounds for winter

-Holiday Sale table will be up and running soon

-Working on the Local History Room

Meeting adjourned: 5:15


Next Board meeting – January 18, 2024 Library

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones



Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Judith Jones, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Lisa St. John, Sarah Graves, Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order: 4:05

  1. No public comment
  2. Treasurer’s Report – John

-Review of budget

Discussion of Holiday bonuses for staff

Motion to authorize allocation of $2500 for Holiday bonuses for staff made by John, seconded by Jonathan, all aye

  1. President’s Report – Ethan

-Discussion of Slate of Officers for 2024

President – John Aubry

Vice President – Vicky Shulte

Treasurer- Susanne Warren

Secretary – Judith Jones

Motion to elect new slate of officers for the Stone Ridge Library Board for 2024 made by Judith, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

-All Board members will communicate committees and project interests to Ethan by the end of the year.

-Pavillion – Discussion of 40 foot octagonal pavilion, costs, and construction with electric and footings. Will get 3 estimates.

Motion to purchase plans from Back Yard Showcase for $2,000 made by John, seconded by Sarah, all aye.

-Plans will be present to the Foundation Board

  1. Director’s Report – Jody

-Current art show by Donna Calcavecchio

-Roof shingles on the Little Book Store have been replaced

-Preparations of grounds for winter

-Holiday Sale table will be up and running soon

-Working on the Local History Room

Meeting adjourned: 5:15


Next Board meeting – January 18, 2024 Library

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones



Present: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Judith Jones, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren,

Meeting called to order: 4:10

1. No public comment

2. Treasurer’s Report – John

-Discussion of budget.

3. President’s Report – Ethan

-Discussion of large pavilion – octagonal vs rectangular

-Committees formed for Search committees for Director and Children’s Services

4. Director’s Report – Jody

-Little Book Store will close October 28th.  It has been a successful year

-Little Book Store needs a new roof

-Discussion of Director’s health insurance, request to investigate options.

Motion to continue funding health insurance for Director at the discretion of the Director at the currant rate, made by Vicky, seconded by Lisa. All aye

-Fall maintenance is on schedule getting buildings ready for winter

5. Building & Grounds- Ethan

-Discussion of small pavilion

6. No new business

Meeting adjourned: 5:10


Next meeting :  November 16th 4:00 Library






Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Rosemary Deen, Lisa St. John

Meeting called to order: 4:05

1.No public comment

2.Treasurer’s Report – John

Motion to adopt the Stone Ridge Library Conflict of Interest Policy made by John Aubry, seconded by Vicky Schulte, all aye.

3.President’s Report – Ethan

Creation of two Search Committees, one for a new Children’s Services Replacement and one for a new Library Director

4.Director’s Report – Jody

In order to continue to have an annual plant sale at SRL, we will need to find someone new to run the event.

5.Building & Grounds –Ethan

Working to make the well house behind the library more safe.




STONE RIDGE LIBRARY BOARD –  Minutes of August 17, 2023

Present – John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Judith Jones, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Lisa St. John, Vicky Schulte, Susanne Warren

Called to order: 4:08

1.No public comment

2.Oath of Office

Motion to keep officers in place: Ethan Plank- President, Vicky Schulte- Vice President, John Aubry –Treasurer, Judith Jones – Secretary. Motion made by Lisa, seconded by Susanne, all aye

Oath administered to all trustees.

  1. 3. President’s Report– Ethan

-Discussion of yard use, pavilions and materials.

  1. Treasurer’s Report– John

-Examination of outstanding invoices

-Discussion of audit/review

-Discussion of Alberta Davis fund

5.Director’s Report – Jody

-Budget Vote results: 42 yes, 0 no.

Trustees voted in: Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte,

Election results filed with Town

-Little Book Store is flourishing, approximately $200. per week

-September 10 fundraiser – Fall Book Sale, Cake-Off, Musical Duo

-September 17th – Craft Fair

-Joint meeting with Foundation Board and Library Board on September 22th from 11:00-2:00

-New York State Construction grant submitted for 1/2 cost of 3 mini-splits

  1. No new business

Meeting adjourned 5:15

Events: Fall Book Sale & Baking Cook-Off September 10th

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones



Present – John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Susanne Warren

Called to order: 4:05

1.No public comment

2.Treasurer’s Report – John

-Discussion of budget. Plan to combine line item of print media and non-print

-Discussion of oversight of payment of bills

3.President’s Report – Ethan

-Discussion of outdoor pavilion. Committee : Judith, John, Ethan

-Discussion of new position for 2024 – Building and Grounds Coordinator. Paid position of 4 – 6 hours a week

  1. Director’s Report – Jody

-Budget Vote will be held on Monday August 14th from 2-8.  Absentee ballots are available at the circulation desk.

-Little Book Store is doing well.

-Diane DeChillo is writing NYS Construction Grant for 4 mini splits – estimated cost $34,500.  We are requesting 50% from New York State matching funds.

-Time to sign up for fuel coop

-Discussion of switching fluorescent bulbs in Children’s room to LED

Motion: John moves to authorize up to $3,000 from capital fund to replace fluorescent lights to LED lights in Children’s Room, seconded by Susanne, all aye.

-Summer reading program is going well


–Fall Book Sale September 9th

-Baking Cook-Off – September 10th.  Bakers are required to use recipes from Library cookbooks

-September 17th – Local vendors will set up in the Library yard – Roma Jean Simpson overseeing

-Ordered new computer for the circulation desk through Mid- Hudson

-Joint meeting with Library Board and Foundation Board will be scheduled

5.Building & Grounds – Ethan

-Downstairs bathroom renovation is in progress

-New woodchips have been put under play ground

-Two new picnic tables have been assembled by Ethan and are in the yard

-Getting prices for mini-splits

6.Foundation – John

-Discussion of Estate Planning from community members

7.No new business

Meeting adjourned: 5:15pm


Budget Vote – August 14th Library 2:00 – 8:00

Next meeting – August 17th Library -4:00

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones



Meeting called to order: 4.10pm ET


Ethan Plank

John Aubry

Rosemary Deen

Susanne Warren

Vicky Schulte

Sarah Lynn Graves

Jonathan Lee 

  1. Procedure change:John Aubry (JA) tabled a change in procedure: going forward, a warrant of expenditures will be presented to the Board.JA made a motion that the current warrant would be approved. Motion was approved by Ethan Plank (EP) and seconded by Rosemary Deen. The board unanimously approved the motion.
  1. Treasurer’s Report: JA explained that the budget is roughly where it is expected to be at this time of year. JA asked the Board to receive this report. It was motioned that the Board receive the report and the Board was unanimously in favor of receiving it.
  1. Recent minutes: A motion was presented to accept the Board minutes of the last meeting, written by Board member Sarah Lynn Graves, and the motion was unanimously accepted.
  1. Board membership: A motion was presented to appoint Judith Jones to fill the rest of her term as a Board member. The motion was seconded by Sarah Lynn Graves and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
  1. Library staff changes: Julianna Arms’ resignation letter of June 14, 2023 was presented to the Board:

Dear Stone Ridge Library Board,

This letter is to formally notify you that I will be resigning the Children’s Services position for the library on December 20, 2024. As difficult as this feels in my heart, my duties the director and head teacher of Lederman Children’s Center are showing me that I need to step fully into that role, and pass on the children’s librarian baton.

There are not enough meaningful words to convey my love and appreciation for the opportunity to work at the library for the past 24 years. Being a part of the Stone Ridge Library has been a huge part of my life as well as the lives of my children. I feel honored to have been able to be part of the growth and change of the children’s room and the collection. It has also been a privilege and a joy to work with our esteemed director, Jody Ford. I have benefited from observing and modeling her kind thoughtful leadership.

She is always supportive, and encouraging with ideas, programming, and changes. It is a joy to see the sparkle in Jody’s eye when there is a discussion of moving furniture or creating a new floor plan. The Stone Ridge Library is a charming and beautiful building because of Jody’s vision and guidance, as well, or course, the support and leadership of the board. It is astonishing to remember how much growth there has been for the library when you remember back some 25 years ago. What a treasure to have been a part of that development.

During the next year and a half, I’ll do what is needed to help support the library board, Jody, and the next person hired for children’s services. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out during the transition.

The library will always be part of me, and I will continue to be a supporter of this very important part of our community, the Stone Ridge Library.

With warm regards, gratitude,

and respect,

Julianna Arms

The Board will discuss hiring a replacement for Ms Arms at the next Board meeting.

  1. Buildings and grounds/ Grants: JA proposed that a sum of up to $500 be set aside for a grant-writer of the Director’s choice to complete such grant-writing duties for the Library as the Director deems appropriate. Sarah Lynn Graves seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously passed.
  1. Grant priorities: For upcoming state grants, it was moved that the orders of priority be changed so that:

             (a) installing mini split heating and AC systems and seeking funding in pursuance of that work be the primary funding priority; and

            (b) the second project priority for upcoming state grant applications be the building out of the pavilion. EP seconded the motion and both parts of the motion                         were passed unanimously by the Board.

  1. Upcoming events: July 6 – film night at Hasbrouck House to benefit the LIbrary: The Wizard of Oz 

Minutes by:  Jonathan Lee




Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Rosemary Deen, Lisa St. John, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte

Meeting called to order: 4:05

1.No public comment

2.Treasurer’s Report – John

Motion to move a portion of the SRL funds to M & T bank to ensure our funds are protected by the FDIC made by John Aubry, seconded by Rosemary, all aye.

Motion to pass the Tax Cap Override Resolution made by Vicky, seconded by Sarah, all aye.

Motion to propose a 5% increase to the tax base so we can add 6% to personnel in order to meet the impending $17/hr state minimum wage made by John, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

Motion that we accept the 2024 budget made by John, seconded by Vickey, all aye.

3.President’s Report – Ethan

Sarah Robertson coordinated the Plant Sale and did an amazing job, and suggests we honor her in an appropriate way.

Motion that the Library give Sarah Robertson a gift of $250 for her work at the Plant Sale made by Rosemary, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

4.Director’s Report – Jody

5.Building & Grounds –Ethan

-Need volunteers for watering the garden

-Moving memorial wall to the new courtyard

-SRL to send a letter to the Marbletown Town Board expressing how much we value and utilize the Marbletown Community Center.

-Experimented with seating arrangements for community room

Motion to authorize the Director to purchase the necessary furniture to make the community room more comfortable for all ages made by Vicky, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

6. Policy Committee – Vicky-Tabled until next month

7. Planning Committee – Lisa-Tabled until next month

7. Community Outreach – Sarah-Tabled until next month

Next meeting:  June 15th 4:00 Library

Minutes submitted by Sarah Graves




Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sara Graves, Judith Jones, Jonathan Lee, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte

Meeting called to order: 4:10

1.No public comment

2.Treasurer’s Report – John

-Funding has been received from Marbletown and Rochester

3.Director’s Report – Jody

-Need to file for NYS Construction Grant – matching grant through Mid Hudson.  Intent to file for split heating/air conditioner systems

-Plant Sale Fundraiser May 19th 10-2

-Little Book Shop will open May 19th

4.Foundaton –

Motion to appoint Linda Still to the Foundation Board made by Judith, seconded by John, all aye.

5.Building & Grounds –Ethan

-Work on garden installations almost complete.

-Trumbore & Barra are donating quartz countertop for downstairs bathroom

  1. Budget & Personnel – Vicky

-Discussion of budget

  1. Community Outreach – Sara

-Discussed feedback from outreach

. Need to update website

-Re-establish bulletin board by entrance

-Use of Children’s Room

  1. Policy – Vicky

-Tabled until next month

  1. Planning Committee – Judith


Next meeting:  May 18th 4:00 Library

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones


Present: Ethan Plank, Jody Ford, John Aubry, Sarah Graves, Lisa St. John, Vicky Schulte and Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order by Ethan: 4:00 pm, both in person and Zoom.

  1. No public comment.
  2. Ethan read a letter from Trustee Sig Hack, officially resigning.
  3. A motion was made to appoint Jonathan Lee as a Trustee to replace Sig Hack. The motion was made by John, seconded by Susanne and all voted in favor. Following the motion, Jonathan read the oath of office.
  4. Treasurer’s Report– John.

– Alberta Davis investments were discussed- the funds of approx. $5,000 should be received shortly.

  1. Director’s Report – Jody

– Jody announced the Annual Report was completed and copies are available. A few highlights were shared.

 – Upcoming events were discussed, including the art show, A Fork in the Road. The Plant Sale is scheduled for Sat. May 13th.

  1. Building & Grounds – Ethan

– Gina is repainting and spackling on the downstairs bathroom.

– A $2,000 estimate has come in for filling holes in the parking lot, removing dead shrubs and prepping an area for bluestone.

– A letter will be sent to the Historical Committee regarding the decision not to construct a front porch.

  1. Personnel Committee

– Vicky discussed the possibility of a budget increase of 4% to cover projected payroll increases. The Personnel and Budget Committee plans to meet separately to discuss the projections and will have a recommendation for the full board soon.

– The board discussed the current disaster plan not being specific enough.  The topic of policy versus procedure was discussed. The policy will need to be reviewed and revised. Fire Drills were also mentioned.

  1. Community Engagement

– Sara led a discussion on community engagement with families, including conducting a survey. Sixty responses have come in so far. A meeting will be held soon with Jody and Julianna to look at current offerings and how to gather more data.

Meeting adjourned: 4:50 pm



Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren, Sig Hack, Rosemary Deen.

Observer: Jonathan Lee

Meeting called to order: 4:00 pm, no Zoom attendees.

1. No public comment

2. Lisa moved to approve minutes of January meeting. John seconded.

Approval of November minutes tabled until next meeting.

3. Treasurer’s Report – John

Met with Foundation to give an overview of Library’s finances

4. Director’s Report – Jody

I hope to get a person for each fundraiser to shadow the current chair people so that we have a plan in place when current organizers retire.

Julianna has begun in-person story hours for this year.

First class visit from High Meadow School this week. We have a plan in place for regular visits from first through fourth grade classes if the teachers would like to take advantage of it.

Our new calendar is in place on the website.

We have given out 180 of the 234 Rochester Memberships.

Book recommendation column with the Shawangunk Journal along with a number of other area libraries.

We are no longer purchasing books on CD. We will use that budget to purchase ebooks and streaming audio books instead. Our share of the resource cost for e-materials should be in the range of $7000 a year.

Our current art show by David Shaengold has been very successful. Mr. Shaengold is donating half of the proceeds of his sales to the library. The other half will go to the Marbletown Food Pantry.

Facebook and Instagram followers are up.

I am working on the Annual Report for Mid-Hudson and the Division of Library Development now. Statistics for circulation in 2022 are up for both adult and children’s fiction as well as electronic use of materials. The one area where statistics are down is in holds (or materials loaned from other libraries.) I believe this can be explained by the widespread use of streaming services such as Hoopla and Libby in lieu of borrowing materials from other libraries. I will have a full report at the March meeting.

5. Buildings & Grounds – Ethan

Gina is remodeling bathrooms.

Deb Gray has new plan for Bookshop Garden area to begin mid-April, early May.

John made a motion to approve up to $10,000 for the plan, Vicki seconded.

Handrail plans are in progress.

Bill Merchant from the Historical Preservation Committee wants to follow up on a note he received about revising the (previous) front “porch.” Susanne and Jody will draft a note explaining that there is no need—existing porch is exit only, previous was ornamental.

6. Policy Committee -Vicky

Need to revise disaster policy to include active shooter response (emergency button to Sheriff’s Office). Tabled until next meeting when paperwork will be available.

7. Outreach Committee -Sarah

Survey going out to PTAs with five major goals addressed.

8. Personnel Committee -Vicki

Will report after joint meeting next month.

9. No new business

Meeting adjourned: 4:40 Next Meeting March 16 2023


In attendance: John Aubrey (Treasurer), Rosemary Dean, Jody Ford (Director), Ethan Plank (President), Vicky Schulte (Vice President), Lisa St. John

I Meeting called to order

1. No public comment

2. Acceptance of minutes from November 18 2021 meeting: tabled

II Treasurer’s Report

1. End of year deficit does not reflect PPE loan

182,000 fund balance -81,000 needed to cover 1st part of year before tax money;

100,000 surplus

2. Payroll underspent by 22,000.

3. Motion by John Aubrey to increase staff salaries by 2% rounding up to the next dollar per hour.

4. Motion seconded by Rosemary Dean

5. All aye, motion carried.

III Director’s Report

1. Brief discussion of material use breakdown labels

2. Brief discussion of Mid-Hudson Libraries fines and Stone ridge Library copying fees

3. Motion by Lisa St. John to eliminate fines.

4. Motion seconded by Vicky Schulte.

5. All aye, motion carried.

IV Building and Grounds Committee Update

1. Ethan Plank reported positive survey by ECS (Energy Conservation Services), waiting for full report.

2. Met with Marge Bauer, architectural designer. Waiting for full report.

V. Three Year Plan Committee Report: tabled

VI. SRL Foundation Report: tabled

VII. EV Charging Station Concerns

1. Vicky provided information from Marbletown website

-free for two years via grant

-SRL Foundation willing to take on management after the grant runs out

-The SRL Board needs to make a formal request to the Foundation

VIII. Meeting adjourned

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21

No Board Meeting in December

STONE RIDGE LIBRARY BOARD – Minutes of November 17th, 2022

Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Sig Hack, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order: 4:10 In person and Zoom

1. No public comments

2. Accept minutes from September

3.Treasurer’s Report – John

-Discussion of budget

Motion to spend $3,075 for Year End Bonuses’ made by John, seconded by Lisa, all aye

4. Director’s Report – Jody

-Begun to prepare for winter

-Gina has begun building and grounds maintenance

-Julianna has started in-person Story Hour program

-Discussion of Insurance

-On-line calendar should make it easier for registering for programs

-Knitter’s Sale and Holiday Table are up and running

-Foundation Year- End Donation Letter will be sent out soon

-Mary Crisp will be retiring at the end of the year. Retirement party will be at the Community Center on December 5th at 11:00

Motion that in 2022 Director, when needed, will pay out vacation time, made by Susanne, 2nd by Vicky

5.Building and Grounds – Ethan

-No update at this time

6. Personnel & Policy – Vicky

-Susanne will up-date handbook

-Judith – will update Local History policy

7. Planning Committee – Judith

-Discussed projects for 2023 and 2024

-Mid-Hudson has information about available granting sources for green certification

Meeting adjourned: 4:45


No meeting in December

Next meeting – January 19th, 2023 4:00 Library

December 5th – Retirement Party for Mary Crisp – 11:00 Community Center

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones


Present: John Aubrey, Sarah Graves, Sig Hack, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Lisa St. John

Meeting available on Zoom, and recorded

Meeting called to order: 4:05

1. No public comment

2. Minutes of September 16 – tabled until next month

3. Treasurer’s Report – John

– Discussion of Budget

4. Directors Report – Jody

– Little Book Shop will close October 29. The 2 book donation days went well.
– The Three fundraising events raised $14,323., slightly more that the Fair raised. Would like to continue holding three smaller events in the future.
– Book Budget: Mid Hudson would like us to increase our digital budget.
-Handy Person/Maintenance worker is needed for 5 hours a week. Geena is available
– Foundation Auction was successful. Thank you Aimee
– Mary Crisp is retiring after 30 years. Would like to host a retirement party.
Motion to spend $500 for Mary Crisp’s Retirement party made by Susanne, 2nd by Sara, all aye.

5. Building & Grounds – Ethan
– Daylily Garden has been installed by Erin Brower and crew. Ron Sharkey donated the gate,
– We have begun the process of winterizing the Library

6. Personnel – tabled until next month

7. Planning Committee. Will meet before next month

8. New Business – Ethan
– Discussion of projects

Meeting Adjourned: 4:45

November 17 – Board Meeting – 4:00 Library and Zoom

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones


Present: John Aubrey, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Sig Hack, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John

Meeting available on Zoom, and recorded

Meeting called to order: 4:05

1. No public comment

2. Minutes of August accepted

3. Treasurer’s Report – John

– Discussion of Budget and proposed salary schedule for 2023

4. Directors Report – Jody

– Little Book Shop and Book Sale has generated $12,810 so far in 2022. Little Book Shop will remain open until October 29, 2022
– In 2023 all Library Trustees are required for 2 hour training TBD
– We will participate in the annual “Food Fight” with Ulster County Libraries. All donations will go to the Marbletown and Rochester Food Pantries
– We will give LBS dollars for “food Pantry” children to get free books
– Book donations will be accepted October 1 and 15. 2 box limit. Great condition only
– Reception for Francisco Rivera’s show will be on Saturday, September 17 from 1-3pm
– Annual Fire Inspection completed

5. Building & Grounds – Ethan
– We have a water shortage
– Marge Brower will begin to install the ” Roasmary Deen Daylily Garden”
– Local History Room – Gail Many – Town Historian, will bring documents from the Town and integrate it with our collection
– Ad Hoc Committes needed:
– Garden Committee – for watering
– Hospitality Committee – prepare foor for events
– Little Book Shop – in place for 2022

6. Personnel – shelved until next month

Meeting Adjourned: 4:35

September 17 – Francisco Rivera’s opening 1-3pm
October 20 – Board Meeting – 4:00 Library and Zoom

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones


Present: John Aubry, Jody Ford, Sarah Graves, Sig Hack, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order: 4:05 and Zoom

No public comment

Ethan administered the Oath of Office to newly elected, and current trustees

Minutes of July were accepted

Director’s report – Jody

  • Congratulations s to Judith Jones and Sarah Graves on their election to the Board of Trustees
  • Summer reading program is going well
  • Need to create job descriptions and recruit volunteers for ad hoc committees:
  • Garden Committee, Hospitality, Outreach, Local History
  • Book Sale will be on September 10th from 10-2.  Set up on Friday to move books onto tables from 10-2, clean up Saturday from 2-4
  • Library has water shortage – water cisterns will be put in place

Treasurer’s Report tabled until next month

Buildings & Grounds – Ethan

  • Insulation and sealing completed
  • Finish small projects with the book barn
  • Seating area design in progress
  • Marbletown Environmental Committee is applying for grant for feasibility study for geothermal and requests the Stone Ridge Library ‘s support.
  • Motion for the Stone Ridge Library to participate in Marbletown’s feasibility study for geothermal scoping study made by Lisa, seconded by Judith, all aye.
  • John will write letter of support

Meeting adjourned : 4:50

September 10th – Book Sale – Library Grounds  10-2
September 15th – Board of Trustee Meeting – 4:00 In person and Zoom


Present & Zoom: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Sig Hack, Judith Jones,
Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Linda Still, Lisa St. John

Meeting called to order: 4:04

No public comment

Motion to reappoint Lisa St. John to the Stone Ridge Library Board made by
Linda, seconded by Vicky, all aye

Ethan presented the Trustee Oath – recited, then signed by Lisa St. John

Board accepts minutes of February 2022

Treasurer Report – John

We received monies from the Estate of Bonnie Banyard

Review and discuss budget

Director’s Report – Jody

  • Annual report completed and submitted to Mid-Hudson
  • Motion to accept annual report made by Judith, seconded by Lisa, all aye
  • Tree damage from storm has been repaired
  • Received monies from the Town of Marbletown
  • Returning to In Person programming in April
  • Children’s programs remain remote
  • Messaging to encourage people to wear masks while in the Library
  • Fact Sheet for 2021 is completed- brochure is available to public
  • Discussion of hours of operation for the Little Bookshop
  • Grant from Mid Hudson for internet access received. Strong access points now
    available in the yard

Building and Grounds – Ethan

  • Deb Gray is designing memorial garden for Bonnie Banyard
  • Hired Marge Brower to create Master Plan for yard

7. SRL Foundation – Linda

  • Raised $41,000 through annual appeal for 2021.

Meeting adjourned 5:10

April 21, 2022 – Board of Trustee meeting – 4:00 Library and Zoom

Minutes submitted by Judith Jones 


Present & Zoom: Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Sig Hack, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Lisa St. John, Susanne Warren

Meeting called to order- 4:18

  • No public Comment
  • Motion to appoint Susanne Warren as trustee to the Stone Ridge Library Board, to the seat vacated by Rob Miraldi, made by Judith, seconded by Lisa, all aye

Oath administered by Ethan Plank.

  • Minutes of February accepted.
  • Treasurer Report – Vicky
  • Discussion of budget

Director’s Report – Jody

  • Deb Gray and crew are constructing pollinator garden in memorial to Bonni Leu Banyard
  • First in-person Children’s Program was held outdoors
  • Little Book Barn will be opened May 7th
  • We are preparing for the May 7th Garden Fair

Building & Grounds – Ethan

  • 3 bids and proposals for ceiling and insulation throughout the buildings will be presented next month
  • Discussions of options on the bluestone walkway

Committees – Vicky

  • Personnel & Budget- Personnel – Vicky (chair) Judith, Rosemary, Sig
  • Budget – John (chair), Sig, Vicky, Judith, Rosemary
  • Buildings & Grounds – Ethan (chair), John, Rosemary
  • Public Relations & Policy – Susanne (Chair) Lisa, Vicky, Ethan
  • Long Range Planning – Judith (Co-Chair), Lisa (Co-chair), John, Ethan

Stone Ridge Library Foundation – Ethan

  • Hudson Valley Gives fundraiser will be on May 18th

Meeting adjourned – 5:00

May 7th 10:00-2:00 Garden Fair
May 19th – Board of Trustee Meeting – 4:00


Present & Zoom: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Sig Hack, Judith Jones,
Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Linda Still, Lisa St. John

Meeting called to order: 4:04

No public comment

Motion to reappoint Lisa St. John to the Stone Ridge Library Board made by
Linda, seconded by Vicky, all aye

Ethan presented the Trustee Oath – recited, then signed by Lisa St. John

Board accepts minutes of February 2022

Treasurer Report – John

We received monies from the Estate of Bonnie Banyard

Review and discuss budget

Director’s Report – Jody

  • Annual report completed and submitted to Mid-Hudson
    Motion to accept annual report made by Judith, seconded by Lisa, all aye
  • Tree damage from storm has been repaired
  • Received monies from the Town of Marbletown
  • Returning to In Person programming in April
  • Children’s programs remain remote
  • Messaging to encourage people to wear masks while in the Library
  • Fact Sheet for 2021 is completed- brochure is available to public
  • Discussion of hours of operation for the Little Bookshop
  • Grant from Mid Hudson for internet access received. Strong access points now available in the yard

Building and Grounds – Ethan

  • Deb Gray is designing memorial garden for Bonnie Banyard
  • Hired Marge Brower to create Master Plan for yard

SRL Foundation – Linda

  • Raised $41,000 through annual appeal for 2021.

Meeting adjourned 5:10

April 21, 2022 – Board of Trustee meeting – 4:00 Library and Zoom
Minutes submitted by Judith Jones 


Present (in person): John Aubry, Jody Ford Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte
(via Zoom): Rosemary Deen, Sig Hack, Rob Miraldi, Linda Still
Meeting Called to order at 4:11

No Public Comment

MOTION: to accept November and January minutes made by Rosemary; seconded by John; all aye.

Because of the PPP grant, we ended the year in good shape
We need to articulate a Fund Balance Policy going forward.

Reviewed the Master Plan proposal/Capital Construction projects

MOTION: to accept 2022 portion of the 3-year plan made by John; seconded by
Rosemary; all aye.


  • Plaque for Suepfle family: 2 choices will be presented to the family for their final
    approval; this in acknowledgment for their gift to the SRLF
  • SRL bookkeeper Bonni Banyard bequeathed $86,602.53 to the Library, for use for
    outdoor projects (may include memorial garden, walkway(s), pavilion)
  • MOTION: to amend the 2022 Master Plan 1 st section to include item 5: will seek to
    create a memorial garden, walkway(s), and/or outdoor pavilion space in the back yard of the Library; made by Vicky; seconded by John, all aye.
  • Tree damage from ice storm assessed by tree company Limber.
  • MOTION: to allow up to $4000 from capital fund to pay for clean up of tree damage
    made by Ethan; seconded by John; all aye.
  • Sarah Robertson is expanding programming at the Library
    In-person adult and children’s programming beginning in April
  • Roma Jane Simpson will oversee crafters tables ($35 charge) for fall fair day; Original
  • October date has been moved to Sept 24 th because of a conflict with Rochester Heritage
  • Day. May 7 th : plant sale; June: Children’s Day.


  • MOTION: to reappoint Kathy Nokes to the SRLF board made by Linda; seconded by
    Ethan; all aye.
  • Upcoming events for SRLF: May: Hudson Valley Gives; Fall: Local Artist Painted Mailbox
    raffle: 3 mailboxes to be raffled; mailboxes will be donated by Marbletown Hardware


  • *Ethan and Rob have met with Marge Brower concerning the back yard of the Library; she has submitted her proposal for initial plans and consult fees
  • MOTION: to hire Marge Brower as our landscape designer consultant based on her
    proposal made by Rob; seconded by Rosemary; all aye.

Meeting adjourned at 5:32 Minutes prepared by Linda Still
Next board meeting: Thursday, March 17


In attendance: John Aubrey (Treasurer), Rosemary Dean, Jody Ford (Director), Ethan Plank (President), Vicky Schulte (Vice President), Lisa St. John

Meeting called to order

  • No public comment
  • Acceptance of minutes from November 18 2021 meeting: tabled

Treasurer’s Report

  • End of year deficit does not reflect PPE loan
  • 182,000 fund balance -81,000 needed to cover 1st part of year before tax money;
  • 100,000 surplus
  • Payroll underspent by 22,000.
  • Motion by John Aubrey to increase staff salaries by 2% rounding up to the next dollar per hour.
  • Motion seconded by Rosemary Dean
  • All aye, motion carried.

Director’s Report

  • Brief discussion of material use breakdown labels
  • Brief discussion of Mid-Hudson Libraries fines and Stone ridge Library copying fees
  • Motion by Lisa St. John to eliminate fines.
  • Motion seconded by Vicky Schulte.
  • All aye, motion carried.

Building and Grounds Committee Update

  • Ethan Plank reported positive survey by ECS (Energy Conservation Services), waiting for full report.
  • Met with Marge Bauer, architectural designer. Waiting for full report.

Three Year Plan Committee Report: tabled

SRL Foundation Report: tabled

EV Charging Station Concerns

  • Vicky provided information from Marbletown website:
  • free for two years via grant
  • SRL Foundation willing to take on management after the grant runs out
  • The SRL Board needs to make a formal request to the Foundation

Meeting adjourned
Upcoming Meeting Dates: February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21



Present + Zoom – John Aubry, Rosemary Deen, Jody Ford, Sig Hack, Judith Jones, Ethan Plank, Vicky Schulte, Linda Still, Lisa St. John

Meeting called to order: 4:08
No public comment

Minutes of October – Judith

  • Motion to accept October minutes made by Linda, seconded by Lisa, 1 abstention, 6 aye

Treasurer – John

  • Discuss and review budget
  • Motion to made holiday bonuses for staff made by John, seconded by Vicky, all aye

Director’s Report – Jody

  • MHLS requests all Libraries and Trustees review and vote on Free Direct Access Plan. The plan states that everyone is welcome to use Library services.
  • Motion that the SRLB approve the MHLS Free Direct Access policy made by Vicky, seconded by John, all aye
  • NYS Sexual Harassment Training – all staff and Trustees will attend
  • 2020 Fact Sheet available
  • Covid update
  • Motion that all participants in Stone Ridge Library sponsored groups are required to be vaccinated made by John, seconded by Linda, all aye
  • Thank you Volunteer Party will be held in the Community Center on December 6th at 11:00 in the Community Center

Buildings and Grounds – Ethan

  • Gina will repair and paint the upstairs offices
  • Plan to construct hand rail for walkway from parking lot to door
  • Motion to allocate $5,000 from capital funds for painting, handrail, moving book barn made by John, seconded by Judith, all aye

Three Year Planning Committee – tabled until next month

SRL Foundation – Linda

  • Discussion of recent Foundation donations.
  • Motions to approve Stephanie Bauman to the Stone Ridge Foundation Board made by Linda, seconded by Lisa, all aye.
  • Motion to re- appoint Varcia Venetzanos as President, and Jim Hoover as Treasurer of the SRLF Board made by Ethan, seconded by Linda, all aye

Meeting adjourned: 5:20


  • December 6th – Volunteer Brunch – Marbletown Community Center – 11:00
  • December 16th – Board of Trustee meeting – 4:00 Library & Zoom
  • Month of December – High Falls Coop will ‘round-up’ purchases and the Stone Ridge Library will be the recipient


Present: John Aubry, Rosemary Deen (Zoom), Jody Ford, Sig Hack (Zoom), Judith Jones, Rob Miraldi, Ethan Plank, Linda Still (Zoom), Lisa St. John
Peggy Marble (Zoom) – SRL Foundation

Meeting called to order: 4:05

No public comment

Motion to appoint Lisa St. John to fill vacancy on the Board made by Ethan, seconded by Judith, all aye.

Motion to accept September minutes made by John, seconded by Rob, all aye.

Director’s Report – Jody

  • $38,000 Federal PPE loan through Key Bank has been forgiven.
  • Book Groups will continue to meet in person
  • Adult Programming Budget – Grants no longer available. Request will be made to the Foundation for $2,000 for adult programming
  • Motion to ask Foundation for $2,000 for adult programming for 2022 made by John, seconded by Linda, all aye
  • Alberta Davis check for $10,000 was received
  • Little Book Shop will close the end of October. It was open from June through October and took in $2,500. Children’s Books took in $1,200.
  • Food was collected for the Marbletown and Rochester Pantries
  • Knitters made $700. last Saturday for the Library

Annual Report – Jody

  • Motion to accept the 2020 Brochure “Annual Report to the Community” made by Ethan, seconded by Lisa, all aye.

Financial – John

  • Discussion of budget and fines.

New Library Fair Plan – Jody
Proposed plan – split the Fair into three smaller events

  • Plants – 1st Saturday in May
  • Kid’s Day – 2nd Saturday in June
  • Book Fair – 1st Saturday October, fall plants, food trucks, music

Energy Audit – Ethan

  • Discussed with 3 Year Planning Committee on Tuesday
  • Need clarification on some suggestions. We can implement some suggestions immediately, ie programmable thermostats, change light bulbs

Master Plan for Yard – Ethan

  • Discussion of stone walk way
  • Creation of outdoor meeting space
  • ADA accessibility
  • Book Barns

Foundation – Linda

  • Success of on-line auction – raised over $5,000. Thank you Aimee
  • SRLF would like to help with programming
  • Stone Ridge Library Foundation is “Business of the Month” at the High Falls Coop for the month of November. Donations at the coop will benefit the Library.


  • November 18 – Board of Trustee Meeting – 4:00 in Library and on Zoom

Meeting Adjourned 5:30
Meeting submitted by Judith Jones