DVD Loan Policy
DVDs may be borrowed for seven days, DVDs with 3 or more disks may be borrowed for 14 days.
- DVDs can now be renewed one time, provided no one is waiting for it.
- DVDs and videos must be returned by closing time on the date due, in order to avoid fines.
- If not returned on time, each DVD or video is subject to a $1 fine for each day it is late.
- If the library is closed, DVDs may be placed in the shorter drop box near the entrance, they are checked in the next time the Library is open.
Internet Policy
The Library has two computers with high-speed internet access for research, browsing and e-mail. We also have free high speed wireless internet access 24/7 throughout the Library, as well as in the yard
- Sign in on the clipboard next to the computers.
- Time limit: 90 minutes total per day.
- Printing: 20 cents per page.
- Do not download onto any media (flash drive, hard drive, or other memory). Computers are strictly for viewing and printing.
- Computers may be used for games providing no one is waiting for a terminal.
- Computers shut down 15 minutes before closing.
- Adult or sexually explicit websites may not be accessed.
Failure to comply with this policy will result in suspension of computer privileges.